
Simulating galaxies: from stellar to cosmological scales (atelier du PNCG)


Contact : Jonathan Freundlich (jonathan.freundlich@astro.unistra.fr)

Galaxies are multiphase and multiscale systems: local processes such as star formation, stellar evolution and black holes accretion can affect galaxies at larger scales, the circumgalactic medium, and the dark matter distribution; in parallel, the cosmic web and the environment of a galaxy regulate the gas reservoirs from which stars are formed and stir turbulence, cascading down to small scales. Accounting for these different processes occurring and affecting a large range of scales in simulations is challenging. However, galaxies are essential to test the limits of the current LCDM model of structure formation and constrain possible alternatives. In this SF2A workshop, we aim to cover the different processes at stake in galaxies from a theoretical perspective, from the collisional and non-collisional dynamics of stars to gas in the circumgalactic medium and cosmological scales. 

We particularly encourage students, postdocs, and young researchers in France or with ties to the French community to present their work. Presentations will be in English, 10 min presentation + 5 min discussion. 

Paolo Bianchini
Noé Brucy
Benoit Famaey
Jonathan Freundlich
Anaelle Halle
Katarina Kraljic
Florent Renaud
Joakim Rosdahl

14h00 Daniela Galárraga-Espinosa Flows around galaxies: I. The dependence of galaxy connectivity on cosmic environments and effects on the star formation rate
14h15Maxime ReyThe impact of supernovae on the simulated CGM: insights from quasar absorption lines
14h30 Duarte Santos Where are the CGM systems in the Lyman-alpha forest?
14h45Gary Mamon The different physical mechanisms controlling the corpulence of galaxies in the TNG50 simulation
15h00Yohan Dubois Galaxies with grains: unraveling dust evolution and extinction curves with hydrodynamical simulations
15h15 Martin Fournier Resolving cold filaments in the multiphase intracluster medium with GPU–accelerated simulations
15h30Anaelle Halle Galactic discs embedded in fuzzy dark matter haloes
15h45Srikanth Nagesh Galaxy simulations using the Phantom of Ramses code
16h00coffee break
16h30 Yassin Rany Khalil Deciphering the dynamics of the Milky Way spiral arms from Gaia
16h45 Noé Brucy Regulation of star formation in disk galaxies: stellar feedback or large-scale turbulence?
17h00Pedro A. Palicio Analytic solution of chemical evolution models with Type Ia supernovae
17h15Tristan Bruel Dynamical formation of binary black holes in massive star clusters: a cosmological approach
17h30Simon Rozier Collisionless relaxation of satellites after a tidal shock
17h45 Aikaterini Niovi Triantafyllaki A Story of Streams: The Dynamical Friction Effect on the Tails of Globular Clusters
18h00 Romain Lenoble Simulations of early structure formation: Properties of halos that host primordial star formation


Authors Title Type File
Maxime Rey, Jérémy Blaizot, Taysun Kimm, Joakim Rosdahl The impact of supernovae on the simulated CGM: insights from quasar absorption lines. orale abstract_SF2A.pdf
Romain Lenoble, Joakim Rosdahl, Benoit Commerçon Simulations of early structure formation: the properties of halos hosting primordial star formation orale Abstract_SF2A_1.pdf
Yohan Dubois; Francisco Rodríguez Montero Galaxies with grains: unraveling dust evolution and extinction curves with hydrodynamical simulations orale AbstractDust.pdf
M. Santos, Duarte; Pieri, Matthew Where are the CGM systems in the Lyman-alpha forest? orale SF2A_2024Abstract.pdf
Gary Mamon (IAP) & Abhner de Almeida (IAG, Univ. de São Paulo) The different physical mechanisms controlling the corpulence of galaxies in the TNG50 simulation orale Corpulence_SF2A_Mamon.pdf
P.A. Palicio, E. Spitoni, A. Recio-Blanco, F. Matteucci, S. Peirani, L. Greggio Analytic solution of chemical evolution models with Type Ia supernovae. orale Abstract_Palicio.pdf
Srikanth T. Nagesh, Jonathan Freundlich, and Benoit Famaey Bars: An interplay between gravity and baryons orale Bar_project_abstract.pdf
Simon Rozier Collisionless relaxation of satellites after a tidal shock orale AbstractFinal.pdf
Daniela Galárraga-Espinosa, Enrico Garaldi, Guinevere Kauffmann Flows around galaxies: I. The dependence of galaxy connectivity on cosmic environments and effects on the star formation rate orale SF2A_application2024_GalarragaEspinosa.pdf
Aikaterini Niovi Triantafyllaki, Rain Kipper A Story of Streams: The Dynamical Friction Effect on the Tails of Globular Clusters orale TRIANTAFYLLAKI_AN_streams_df_1.pdf
Anaelle Hallé, Amr El-Zant, Jonathan Freundlich, Françoise Combes Galactic discs embedded in fuzzy dark matter haloes orale abstracts02_ahalle.pdf
T. Bruel, A. Lamberts Dynamical formation of binary black holes in massive star clusters: a cosmological approach orale Abstract_SF2A_2024_Bruel.pdf
Yassin Rany Khalil & Benoit Famaey Deciphering the dynamics of the Milky Way spiral arms from Gaia mission. orale Talk - SF2A - Yassin Rany Khalil.pdf
Noé Brucy, Patrick Hennebelle, Ralf Klessen, Tine Colman, Junia Göller, Philipp Girichidis, Glen Hunter Regulation of star formation in disk galaxies: stellar feedback or large-scale turbulence? orale astract.pdf
Martin Fournier, Philipp Grete, Marcus Brüggen, Forrest W. Glines, Deovrat Prasad, Brian W. O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Shea Resolving cold filaments in the multiphase intracluster medium with GPU--accelerated simulations orale Abstract_ICM.pdf