Date and place

Acces to the campus

Workshops and plenaries sessions will be in the fac de Droit, at 110 La Canebière, in the center of Marseille.

The various rooms are located on floors 0,2,3. They are all indicated at the venue, and maps are provided here:

Informations for presentations

We are had difficulties with the upload links since Jun 3rd. Thank you for your patience. The service was restarted the morning of 4th. The poster link is not available any more. For late posters, please send them by email (ideally with a link) and the LOC will put them in the shared folder

Posters: Send them to the LOC by email (sf2a2024loc at in the format Name_SXX.pdf with XX the session number.

Orals: As the Journées are in hybrid mode, it is necessary to use the centralised sound and video system. To ensure that the tools at our disposal work properly, the file format for presentations is limited to PDF.

A deposit site for your presentations is available for each session. Please use a file name in the format Nom_SXX.pdf with XX the session number. Files must be submitted 24 hours in advance so that they can be transferred to the computers managing the sessions.

Session Intitulé Site de dépôt Room
All sessions Posters Consultation des posters
S00 Plénières Accéder Amphi Emerigon
S01 Atelier Général du PNPS Accéder Amphi Jourdan
S02 Simulating galaxies: from stellar to cosmological scales (atelier du PNCG) Accéder Amphi Jourdan
S03 Atelier Général du PCMI Accéder Amphi Poinso-Chapuis
S04 Atelier Général de l’Action Spécifique Numérique Accéder Amphi Jourdan
S05 Atelier ASHRA: Status & prospects in Optical Interferometry Accéder Salle 313
S06 Atelier PNHE: La frontière du PeV / The PeV frontier Accéder Salle 313
S07 Atelier SFE/GDR PILSE: La recherche de vie/traces de vie dans le système solaire et au-delà: illusion ou réalité Accéder Amphi Boulois
S08 Bien-être en astrophysique Accéder Amphi Emerigon
S09 Astronomie et éducation : pratiques et recherche Accéder Amphi Emerigon
S10 Egalité des genres en A&A: Prendre conscience et agir collectivement Accéder Amphi Emerigon
S11 Quelle recherche en astrophysique dans un monde soutenable ? Accéder Amphi Emerigon
S12 Relevés grand champ III Accéder Amphi Poinso-Chapuis
S13 Caractériser les atmosphères planétaires par l’expérience, la modélisation et l’observation Accéder Amphi Boulois
S14 From dual to binary supermassive black holes Accéder Salle 313
S15 Approches interdisciplinaires dans l’étude du système solaire Accéder Amphi Boulois
S16 Ondes de choc en Astrophysique Accéder Amphi Poinso-Chapuis
S17 Gravitational Lensing in the JWST era: galaxies and galaxy clusters Accéder Amphi Boulois
S18 Astronomie UV Accéder Amphi Poinso-Chapuis
S19 A new picture of galaxy evolution from Cosmic Dawn to Cosmic Noon : after the first years of JWST operation and towards the ELT Accéder Amphi Jourdan
S20 Atelier de prise en main du code public d’évolution stellaire Cesam2k20 Accéder Salle 313
S21 Collaboration Pro-Amateur Accéder Salle 312
S22 Atelier “Ma Terre” – atelier collaboratif pour construire des scénarios de réduction de l’empreinte carbone en Astronomie Accéder TBC



Accès à Marseille

Coming to Marseille:


Marseille airport is “Marseille Provence” (formerly known as “Marignane”). “Navette” bus connect it to the Marseille Saint Charles train station in the center.


Marseille Saint Charles is located near the conference venue. It is deserved by local trains or TGVs


Marseille Saint Charles is also a bus station.

By car:

It is difficuly to circulate/park in Marseille.  Parking (not free) located near the conference venue are Estiennes d’Orves, Saint Charles, or “Centre Bourse”. The center of Marseille is limited to Crit’Air 3 or better). To apply for a Crit’Air stamp (for cars registered in France): 

There is park and ride solutions provided by the local transportation company RTM (see below)

Getting around in/out of Marseille

The local transportation company is the RTM. Tickets are reasy to get and it is possible to pay directly with your credit card.Be careful about the time : the last depart from the terminus station for the metro station is at 9:30 PM. We strongly suggest to find lodging in the center of Marseille to avoid difficulties for transportation in the evenings or at night. RTM also advertise solutions for “trotinettes“, and it is possible to rent electric bikes.

The venue is on the Cebière, in the center, close to the station Saint Charles, and with many hotels and restaurants around the “vieux port”.


The registration fee includes access to the different events, but registration is necessary for logistical reasons.

Gala cocktail with SF2A prices on Wednesday evening:

Registration required

Warning : the date was changed with respect to early announcement. The cocktail will take place on June 5th.

It will take place in the Bargemon space next to the city hall. Please let the LOC know about possible allergies by email at

Public conference on Thursday

Conference about JWST results by V. Buat and PO Lagage.

At 19:00 at cinema Artplexe on Canebière.

In  French



Hotel suggestions:

There are many hotels in the center (to avoid the difficulties of transportations late), close to the part of Canebière close to the “vieux port”, next to Estienne D’orves.

Restaurants et bars

There are many restaurants and bars around “Vieux Port” or in the aread around Cours Estiennes d’Orves.

You may use for instance this site for suggestions :


Activities suggested in around Marseille:

  • Walk around the Vieux port,
  • Have a pastis
  • Go up to Bonne mère for the best vue
  • Buy some OM merchandizing.
  • Check the MUCEM
  • If you stay longer, go and check the calanques.

For more, check the tourist office website :


Do you have a question ?

– For questions concerning logistics, Marseille, the venue,  please contact the LOC at this address: sf2a2024loc at

– For questions concerning the program, the registration, fees or billing, please contact the SOC at this address: soc_2024 at