Conference registration is a 3-step process:

  1. Register on the Initial registration form
  2. Pay your registration fee on your MaSF2A account
  3. Submit an abstract or enter your session and event preferences here


On-site participation:

  • SF2A members: 100 € before May 20th 23h59 – 140 € between May 21st and June 10th 23h59
  • Non-SF2A members: 150 € before May 20th 23h59 – 190 € between May 21st and June 10th 23h59
  • Additional late fee of 190 € for onsite registration after June 10th.

Online participation:

  • SF2A members: 30 € before June 20th 23h59
  • Non-SF2A members: 70 € before June 20th 23h59
  • Additional late fee of 90 € for online registration after June 20th.

Registration fees waived for early registration for:

  • Doctoral and Master’s students: Free of charge before June 10th for on-site registration, or June 20th for online registration.
  • ONE manager per workshop: Free of charge for registrations validated by before May 20th.
  • Plenary speaker: Free of charge
  • Amateur astronomers: please register directly on
    This registration only entitles you to attend to the Pro-Am workshop on Friday afternoon.

To benefit from this free registration fee, it is compulsory to register before the deadline by following the links below. Otherwise, the above-mentioned surcharges may apply.



The payment is done online in CB on your MaSF2A ( account.

Please note that to benefit from the “Members” rate or “Students/Doctoral students” waiver, you must first pay your 2025 membership fee or update your status on your MaSF2A account.


Grants for post-doctorants and PhD candidates

Are youa SF2A member and a post-doc or PhD candidate abroad and you could not participate in the SF2A Conference without a little financial help?  In this case, the SF2A can allocate you a grant. If you are interested, please send, before March 20th, to the President of SF2A with a copy to the secretary, a concise “motivation” letter accompanied by a short CV. Tell us which sessions you would like to attend and the realistic amount you would need (registration + accommodation + transport) to participate or to supplement funding already partially acquired. The format of these documents is free.

If your request is accepted, the SF2A will reimburse you the costs (adjusted to the actual amount), on invoice after the conference. A request for an advance will however be possible.

Contributions (abstracts)

Deadline to submit an abstract for workshops is April 25th.

The submission of a contribution (or two) can be done by filling or modifying the registration form. You could then select the workshop in which you wish to submit your contribution (talk or poster). Up to two contributions can be submitted. If you want to submit more contributions, please contact the system administrator.

ePosters: only eposters will be available. They will be display online for all participants available from their computers. ePosters allow presenters to more effectively convey information that would not be feasible with a traditional printed poster, and it improves visualization to attract the attention of attendees while also conserving the environment!

Later on, a “book of abstracts” will be available online (and only online).

The proceedings of the conference give an annual overview of the current state of French astronomy. They will be published in an electronic format in English and made available on the SF2A website. They will be referenced in ADS. The instructions for the authors will be given later.